Below is more information about joining the Culture and Self Lab!
Undergraduate Research Opportunities
The Culture and Self Lab is looking for a highly motivated, dedicated, responsible volunteer Research Assistants. The projects will be under the direction of the Principal Investigator, Dr. Steven Heine. Our lab, located at Douglas Kenny Building at UBC, focuses its research on Cultural Psychology, Meaning Maintenance, and Genetic Essentialism.
Research Assistants will have the opportunity to work with graduate students and fellow research assistants, and will learn about ongoing research in our lab. This position is especially ideal for students who are planning to pursue graduate study.
Responsibilities will primarily involve running experiments and managing data. A time commitment of 5-7 hours per week is expected. A minimum GPA requirement of 75% is strongly recommended. We also require that you have completed PSYC217/218.
To apply, please complete the Culture-and-Self-Lab-Application Word Doc and submit it with your CV and unofficial transcript attached. Documents should be sent to Any questions should be directed to the lab manager as well.
Graduate Research
Graduate student inquiries should be directed towards Dr. Steve Heine (Email:
General information regarding UBC Psychology’s graduate program can be found here:
More about Dr. Heine can be found at his website